
How To Shop For Cameras

Thinking about buying a camera just don't have a clue where to start? Nosotros're hither to assistance. And even if you know it all, you may find some alternatives you hadn't considered.

If you lot're standing in the middle of a store wondering what to buy, start with our current peak picks:

  • Cheap dSLR camera: Nikon D3300
  • General purpose compact camera: Panasonic Lumix ZS100
  • Bridge camera/superzoom: Panasonic Lumix FZ1000
  • Avant-garde meaty photographic camera: Panasonic Lumix LX100
  • Enthusiast dSLR camera: Nikon D750
  • Best high-end mirrorless photographic camera: Sony A7R Ii

Now playing: Watch this: Summit tips for ownership a camera


Full general tips

  • There is no spec that tells y'all which photographic camera is all-time. And few specs can be taken at face value.
  • Resolution ("megapixels") doesn't affair unless y'all're a pro or already understand why. Sensor size, autofocus arrangement and image-stabilization organisation are among the features that do.
  • Don't get hung up on making sure yous've got the "best" or newest in a particular class. The truth is, ane camera rarely beats the rest on all four major criteria -- photo quality, performance, features and pattern. And last-year'due south (or even the yr before'south) models tend to be perfectly fine too as a lot cheaper.
  • Effort earlier you lot buy. Make sure it fits comfortably in your hand and that it's non and then big or heavy that you lot'll prefer to get out it at dwelling house. It should provide quick admission to the most normally used functions, and menus should exist simply structured, logical and easy to learn. Touchscreen models can allow for greater functionality, but can also be frustrating if the controls and menus are poorly organized.
Lori Grunin/CNET

Why get a camera when you've got one in your phone?

  • Many cameras take or support real zoom lenses which encompass a much bigger range than the computational zoom used by some dual-lens phone cameras. (That's when they combine information from the ii dissimilar focal-length cameras to provide a photograph that's better than what yous'd become with digital zoom, simply not as practiced every bit truthful optical zoom.)
  • Despite all the advances in phone cameras -- and telephone marketing -- they withal tin can't friction match the quality, speed or command of a good dedicated camera. So some people like to use a split camera for special events.
  • Non every telephone has a good camera and non every phone with a skilful camera is a great telephone. You might want both.

Height considerations

Interchangeable or stock-still lens?

Interchangeable-lens cameras (ILCs) are dSLRs or mirrorless models. The advantages of an ILC over a stock-still lens model is:

  • You can always purchase a better lens to better photo quality and performance.
  • If you need a wider or narrower angle of view, you tin e'er get another lens to cover it.
  • You can get a faster (i.eastward., wider maximum aperture) lens if you demand better low-low-cal performance.

Fixed-lens cameras come up in two flavors: span cameras (the ones that look like dSLRs and have really long lenses) and compacts (formerly indicate-and-shoots, which for the nearly role have been replaced by phones). The advantages of a fixed-lens camera over an ILC:

  • The compacts tend to be much smaller.
  • The bridge cameras tend to embrace a zoom range that would be prohibitively expensive and/or heavy in a standalone lens.
  • Swapping lenses on an ILC can be a pain.
  • Frequently, the kit lenses that ship with ILCs oft aren't as loftier quality or wide-aperture as the fixed lenses.
  • Many people never buy a 2nd lens, anyhow.
Lori Grunin/CNET

Mirrorless or dSLR?

If you decide to go for an ILC, you lot then take to cull between a dSLR vs. a mirrorless. Sadly, many people take information technology fixed in their heads that dSLRs are the exist-all and end-all of loftier-quality, high-speed photography. Non true. The image quality for mirrorless models is extremely similar to that of a dSLR with the aforementioned size sensor and an equivalent lens, and the performance of the midrange and higher-end mirrorless models has gotten really competitive, with sophisticated autofocus systems and fast continuous-shooting speeds. Keep in mind that y'all're usually better off spending more money on a better lens than on a more expensive body.

The advantages of a dSLR over mirrorless are:

  • DSLR's use optical viewfinders, and a cheap dSLR's optical viewfinder is usually better than the electronic viewfinder (EVF) on an inexpensive mirrorless for shooting action where the EVF may not refresh chop-chop enough. That gap is narrowing, though.
  • The battery life of a dSLR -- whatsoever dSLR -- is meliorate than that of near mirrorless cameras.
  • You tin use old lenses from film cameras without an adapter, and considering dSLRs accept been around so long at that place's a huge option to cull from.
  • Current-model cheap dSLRs tend to be cheaper than current entry-level mirrorless cameras.

The advantages of a mirrorless over a dSLR:

  • Most of them are smaller, and their lenses concomitantly smaller, than a dSLR's. Micro 4 Thirds lenses (Olympus, Panasonic) are smaller than those for APS-C cameras (everybody else).
  • Shooting video with a good mirrorless is a much better experience than shooting with a dSLR considering the view through the LCD and autofocus operation makes it easier and requires less rigging out.
  • The lack of a mirror makes a lot of features with existent-time preview possible, like watching a long exposure build and mixing and matching filters.
  • The newer, midrange to expensive mirrorless models have better prototype stabilization (IS) than dSLRs because the latest IS technologies intelligently combine sensor shift and optical IS, while (at best) dSLRs use optical combined with less powerful digital IS (but commonly merely optical).

How of import is photo quality?

If the answer is "very," so you should consider sensor size in your decision. As a rule of thumb, bigger is amend. The trade-off is that the bigger the sensor, the more expensive the camera tends to be.


Relative sensor sizes.

Lori Grunin/CNET

Is the quality and control over video important?

If you lot but want to shoot casual video, and so you want a camera with good autofocus. For something better, you lot need 4K support plus avant-garde features like all-intra (All-I) codecs, customizable tone curves, lots of frame rate options and touchscreen controls.

How important is low-light quality?

If it's important, you lot have to compare maximum native ISO sensitivity adequacy (not the "Howdy" or expanded ranges), cull the largest sensor size yous can afford and a organization with good image stabilization so y'all tin can apply slow shutter speeds.

Do y'all need a actually long zoom?

Cameras with large zoom ranges tend to cover all the bases, so they make skillful travel cameras. They're simply useful for shooting sports if they have actually good autofocus systems, though. Here are some rules of thumb for selecting lens focal lengths:

  • Ultra-wide angle (less than xviii mm) is proficient for very large scenes where lens distortion adds rather than detracts from the appeal
  • Wide-angle (around 18 mm to 30 mm) is expert for group shots, landscapes and street photography
  • Normal (virtually 30 mm to 70 mm) is practiced for portraits and snapshots
  • Telephoto (almost 70 mm to 300 mm) is good for portraits and sports
  • Supertelephoto (greater than 300 mm) is good for sports, wild fauna and stalking

How important is speed?

The days of worrying about shutter lag are pretty much over. Now you but need to brand certain the autofocus system is fast and accurate enough to capture the type of scenes you lot want. The exception is if y'all intend to shoot activity. If you do, so you want a camera that non merely has excellent autofocus and fast continuous shooting, you need one that offers decent photo quality in the ISO 800-ISO 6400 range because y'all'll need to bump information technology upwards there to fix a sufficiently fast shutter speed (usually up of 1/500 sec) to capture the action you want and still maintain a correct exposure.

Lori Grunin/CNET

Are y'all planning to photo in the wild?

Look for good body structure with dust-and-weather sealing. Simply a handful of cameras are besides coldproofed downwards to 14°F/-10°C or submersible without a housing. If yous plan to be away from a way to recharge for more than than a solar day, y'all should consider that dSLRs accept significantly better bombardment life. Or exist prepared to buy a handful of extra batteries for any other type of photographic camera.

Exercise yous want a viewfinder?

Viewfinders are actually helpful for anyone when shooting in direct sunlight when you can't meet the LCD. In addition, when looking through a viewfinder your arms are downwardly at your sides which makes it easier to concur steady than the arms-outstretched alternative.

Volition you use wireless a lot?

While almost every camera incorporates Wi-Fi (or Bluetooth equally a cheap alternative) to upload photos, not all the implementations are created equal. Definitely search the web for complaints most the apps or connexion issues before settling on a camera.

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