
Wacom Intuos Pro Pth 660

Top reviews from the United States

Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2018

Size: MediumStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

Very disappointing. I decided it was time to upgrade from my Wacom Intuos 3 which I had used for many, many years and love it. I stuck with Wacom and got this one, the Intuos Pro. I had read some reviewers saying that the surface of the tablet was wearing down their pen nibs quickly and I thought they couldn't be true; after all, my Intuos 3 never, NEVER had worn down any of my nibs in the years I had it.

It turns out the reviewers were right. After hardly even an hour of use, the nib on the pen had a flattened edge on it.

I was very disappointed, and very frustrated, and I hesitate to use the pad until I can find a solution to this problem. Some people say the solution is to keep using the pad how it is and replace the nibs, but that's not a solution. Wacom shouldn't get more business because they provide parts that degrade quickly, they should have realized from the start that texturing a drawing surface was a bad idea. The developers, Wacom, claim that the texture is to give drawing a more natural feel, like writing on paper. It does, but to the extent that drawing on it is truly like writing on paper: your pen nib will file down to a point and you'll need to "sharpen" it by replacing it.

The tablet comes with the latest generation pressure pen, which feels and looks nice; and a housing for the pen which also hides about 10 replacement nibs (6 plastic and 4 felt) which is very cool. The tablet can even detect touch controls if you choose to turn those on, and charges an internal battery so it can be used wirelessly.

It's a neat tablet, but it was designed to wear down pen tips which are essential to using it, and I cannot agree to that being a wise thing to do so I'm leaving the product 2 stars. I really want to give it more, and I really would, but they need to change the surface.

Wacom sells "texture sheets" separately which will alter the surface of the pad. Why didn't they keep the default tablet as smooth as the Intuos 3 pad was and give people the chance to add texture later? The sheets come in Rough, Medium, and Smooth, but even the Smooth option has grit to it which does not stop the tip wear but merely prolongs it. The surfaces all act like sandpaper for the plastic nibs, just in various grades. I can only imagine how long a tip would last on the Rough texture.

I'm disappointed Wacom! The smooth texture was perfect on the older models, why did you put a texture on the base product?? Now I'm left with no choice but to try other products until I can find a solution for this one. I want to use this tablet, but I'd sooner put a sheet of acrylic over top of it before I needlessly file down my pen nibs.

Pen nibs shouldn't be like lead in a pencil, or ink in a pen. I shouldn't have to change them often (after mere hours of work!). I should have to change them when I need a different experience, when the tip that's in doesn't feel quite right for what I need. Not because the surface I draw on wears them down. Not because bits of them get scraped off like graphite on paper. I can only believe that Wacom knew what they were doing, knew that their customers would need to keep replacing their nibs, when they released this tablet.

Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2020

Size: SmallStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

I originally purchased the medium and was thinking I would regret not getting the large. Once the medium arrived I started learning and tinkering. It was awkward at first. The guy in one of the tutorials reviewed his settings: He only uses about 1/4th of the entire surface of the medium sized tablet as you can set the amount of space that the tablet maps to your screen. You dont have to move your hand as much and strokes are much more efficient. I tried it and it was much less awkward to use, and much more efficient. I ordered the small - it is more portable, fits on my desk better and Im not wasting a bunch of space on the tablet that never gets used. Its also cheaper than the medium and much cheaper than the large. Its was an easy decision to return the medium and get the small. Maybe if I was going to use it for drawing I would buy a larger one, but I mostly use a large 4k screen for processing photos and this is plenty big enough.

Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2017

Size: LargeStyle: Regular Verified Purchase


1) It's very lightweight and beautiful. High class design, wonderful to hold and carry (even the large version). The back is completely metal, so it can be extremely cold at times.

2) Native wireless (doesn't need the Wacom wireless accessory kit like previous models). The bluetooth works well and never dropped and did not have any noticeable lag.

3) The new pen uses 8000+ pressure sensitivity levels.

4) Native touch support.

5) Touch has excellent palm rejection.

6) The new pen stand is incredibly cool, very well designed, has a great weight to it.


1) If you're not a new user and you have your programs set up with specific pressure curves or you're used to using brushes with a specific amount of pressure, you will have to recalibrate every. single. brush. to be able to do the same work with the same general feel. However, stippling work is easier than ever as even lighter strokes are possible.

2) If you use the Wacom Art Pen (the one that has rotation sensitivity) you will have to deal with either losing the new pressure levels, or deal with losing the rotation. I chose the rotation in the end, as the sensitivity levels are BARELY noticeable, at best.

3) The surface sheet is ROUGH. It's not even the "rough" surface that Wacom offers (or rather, will offer, as the new surface sheets are unavailable at this time). Using the standard nib (not even the felt one) feels like writing with a Sharpie on cardboard.

4) The amount of drag the new nibs and surface sheet produce really slow down production times if you're used to doing very light, quick strokes.

5) Also the amount of drag from the nibs and surface sheet absolutely destroy the nibs. I have a very light touch and have never had to replace a Wacom nib in the 14 years I've used their tablets, a single nib on this new sheet was completely eaten within 2 weeks of use- and most of the time I ended up using the Art Pen and not the new pen, anyway. Maybe 9 hours total use and it was absolutely destroyed. It's very likely using the felt nibs would be even worse- and they don't offer a pack of the new nibs in the store yet, either- by the time they do, I'm afraid every nib would have been completely used up.

6) Touch doesn't work correctly in most programs. Photoshop's touch abilities are the best so far, picking up the difference between a rotate and a zoom gesture quickly, but most other programs don't quite work as expected. Not exactly a problem with the tablet itself, but with the driver and compatibility with different apps.

7) As of right now (Early Feb 2017), the driver has some issues and causes some significant lag at times. This is wired, not on bluetooth. A stroke will take a moment to pick up, and at times, will freeze a program like Photoshop for seconds at a time before registering. Using an earlier driver and a different pen fixes these issues, so it's definitely unique to the new model.

8) The side buttons, while aesthetically pleasing, are extremely difficult to use while not looking at the tablet as you can barely feel them on the tablet- my work process was slowed significantly just hunting for my shortcut buttons. The touch ring is fine, though.

9) The nibs themselves feel extremely cheap and flimsy and only come in two varieties: felt and standard. No rubber tipped or spring nibs. Old nibs will not work in the new pen. New nibs fall out sometimes and need to be pushed back in every once in a while. The nibs in general are the major problem spot I see with this new model.

10) Any old accessories do not work with the new pen (the larger grip, for example). The new pen has a different size and shape and Wacom currently does not offer any alternate grips for the new pen.

11) The new pen, while lighter, feels significantly cheaper. The pen's side button rattles if you shake it and has an extremely light actuation weight- you can accidentally press it just by shaking the pen.

12) 500$. Perhaps the Paper model might be worth it, but the new "regular" model is just not worth the price tag to upgrade if you're already using an older model Intuos Pro. Or even an older Intuos standard.

All in all, if you're looking to upgrade from a Pen and Touch/Bamboo/older, smaller, hobbyist tablets- this will be a pretty nice upgrade, if you can stand the fact that you're likely looking at a big price tag of nib replacements over the years. But if you're already an Intuos Pro/Intuos user, then this model is absolutely not worth the price.

Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2018

Size: MediumStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

I purchased the Intuos Pro Medium. I am super disappointed because I loved the product when it worked. The pen stopped working with the tablet 6 months after purchase. The touch only works about 50 percent of the time. When I plug the unit in to my computer it stops working all together. Only touch works through bluetooth. Updated firmware, that didn't help. I purchased the protection plan to return it to get fixed and/or replaced. Nobody got back to me. When I tried to file and A-Z claim with Amazon on the product they said it was too late to file a claim. Now I am out 300 bucks on a product that doesn't work. Don't purchase the protection. It apparently is a useless waste of money. So. Very. Dissatisfied.

Top reviews from other countries

2.0 out of 5 stars Wacom Intuos Pro Large: This thing grinds nibs down like sandpaper.

Reviewed in Canada on October 5, 2018

Size: LargeStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

I have created cover art for a national magazine for 8 years. Did all that work on a 9x12 Wacom tablet that is no longer supported. It functioned well for all those years but has become quirky of late.
Finally sprange for the new model, expecting great things.
There are some improvements such as the touch ring, touch function on the main surface (if you like that sort of thing,) and wireless contivity.
BUT! In a few hours, my new pen nib wore as much as it did in a year on the old model.
I infer this is an attempt to make it feel more like paper. If I wanted to draw on paper I would use paper.
So I was forced to buy (for $50) a replacement (smooth) surface for the tablet.
This is utterly galling in light of Wacom's price, and positioning as the premiere product in this space.
When I buy the best, and I don't mind paying for it, but I do not expect forced upsells to come my way.
Wacom, you lose 1 star for not including a perfectly smooth option in the package.
You lose 2 more stars for your blatant profiteering by forcing an option on me I never wanted, and forcing me to buy additional items that should have been included.
You get to keep 2 stars because aside from the grinding, the tablet functions as expected.
If you had not pulled this ridiculous stunt, I would give the full 5 stars.

2.0 out of 5 stars Just can't recommend it...

Reviewed in Canada on October 26, 2018

Size: MediumStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

I hurts giving it a bad review but I just can't recommend it.
The good thing, it looks sexy and has the perfect size.

Now the bad part:
Yes, I know you would think just another one who warns you about the worn out nib but its true and its literally ridiculous how quickly it runs down. I couldn't actually believe it after I did my own tests.
But this is actually just the side issue of a much bigger issue. Ones one side of the nib is worn out you can't just rotate the pen to the other side cos the nib sit lose in there and just rotates back to the worn bit. That makes it actually impossible for me to draw anything properly.

Other issues I found:
-Bluetooth is not reliable, I had much better experience with the older products and their wifi
- the led lights who indicate your tablet drawing space are gone now.
Its probably not that important, but to me it feels more like a downgrade
- it basically just comes with two different pen nib types. I am really missing the one with the small spring. Another downgrade in my opinion
- the usb cable comes now with an extra wacom plug. That means if you forgot or lose the cable, the only option to get a new one is to order the special wacom one.
I am sorry but this is kind of apple philosophy which I dont want to support. I cant see any reason why a simple usb cable couldn't do the job as well.

Therefore I went with one of the previous models and I am more then happy with them.

I hope this review helped someone to make his decision.

4.0 out of 5 stars Very good to use

Reviewed in India on July 4, 2018

Size: MediumStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

No issues with the product. But the MRP price does'nt match the amazon price. It upto 5k more through amazon seller ! Better if you buy through some local Wacom store. You will save your money!!! The real wacom intuos pro medium size` price is 28,975/-

4.0 out of 5 stars Best tablet so far.

Reviewed in Canada on October 23, 2017

Size: LargeStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

If you think you're getting a slightly better version than the intuos 5, think again. This, thing, is, MASSIVE. I thought I was getting about the same size as the intuos 5. I think it measures slightly bigger BUT! There so much more god d**n functional space on this thing. You know the big buffer around the intuos 4 and 5? That's nearly gone. They almost go right to the edge. I found it annoying at first.

You know when you get out of a bad relationship and into a new one and don't know how good the new one is until it's gone and you're back with your X? That's how I feel going back to work using the intuos 5, after using the pro all weekend at home.... what a wonderful time I had. BABY COME BACK! I know you're waiting for me at home. This intuos 5 tablet means nothing to me. We're just coworkers!

I sort of don't like the new pen that much. It's slimmer and I like my pens thick..... ._. But again, you get use to it. AND THE PEN BASE IS ANNOYING! Good news is that your old pen can still work with the new one. I really like the white tip with the spring in it. They don't have anything like that for the new one. They really tired hard to make the surface feel like drawing on paper. (No, I did not get the paper edition). If you use the white tips for the new pen+ the new surface of the pro, it really feels like paper. But I can't take the sound personally.

Oh yeah, it does this one funny thing after my computer restarts. It'll work for a second and then I'll here a disconnect noise. Then I'll have to unplug it and plug it back in.

2.0 out of 5 stars Bluetooth performance is terrible.

Reviewed in Canada on October 8, 2017

Size: MediumStyle: Regular Verified Purchase

I like the size and weight of it. Compares nicely to previous Intuos Pro and Bamboo tablets that I've used. I like the fact that I don't need a battery in the stylus, like on the Surface Pro or HP Elite x2. Buttons are good, there is no noticeable lag.

The biggest downside is the terrible Bluetooth performance. It is unreliable. When it works, it's okay. But it never works for very long.
Invariably, though, it freezes up and stops working. No pen input shows up on the computer (Windows 10). The scroll wheel light remains fixed in one corner (lower left, when the power button is on the left side, see attached image) and no amount of pushing the button in the middle of the scroll wheel changes this. Power cycling the tablet returns the scroll wheel light to this same location, indicating to me that the firmware on the tablet is stuck. The computer still "sees" the Bluetooth connection (in settings), but no pen movement or finger touch movement gets registered by the computer.

Taking a pin to the recessed reset button doesn't fix the tablet when it is stuck like this. Power cycling the tablet does not fix it either. Getting the Windows 10 machine to "forget" and re-initialize the Bluetooth connection does not work. The only thing that seems to fix this problem is to reboot the Windows 10 machine. After the reboot and login, if I power on the Wacom tablet the lights around the scroll wheel all light up and then a different light (not the bottom left one) lights up. Pen and touch work again.

This problem has persisted for weeks. I've verified that the firmware is the latest. I have tried this on a Mac and it has similar issues with Bluetooth.

Customer image

2.0 out of 5 stars Bluetooth performance is terrible.
Reviewed in Canada on October 8, 2017

I like the size and weight of it. Compares nicely to previous Intuos Pro and Bamboo tablets that I've used. I like the fact that I don't need a battery in the stylus, like on the Surface Pro or HP Elite x2. Buttons are good, there is no noticeable lag.

The biggest downside is the terrible Bluetooth performance. It is unreliable. When it works, it's okay. But it never works for very long.
Invariably, though, it freezes up and stops working. No pen input shows up on the computer (Windows 10). The scroll wheel light remains fixed in one corner (lower left, when the power button is on the left side, see attached image) and no amount of pushing the button in the middle of the scroll wheel changes this. Power cycling the tablet returns the scroll wheel light to this same location, indicating to me that the firmware on the tablet is stuck. The computer still "sees" the Bluetooth connection (in settings), but no pen movement or finger touch movement gets registered by the computer.

Taking a pin to the recessed reset button doesn't fix the tablet when it is stuck like this. Power cycling the tablet does not fix it either. Getting the Windows 10 machine to "forget" and re-initialize the Bluetooth connection does not work. The only thing that seems to fix this problem is to reboot the Windows 10 machine. After the reboot and login, if I power on the Wacom tablet the lights around the scroll wheel all light up and then a different light (not the bottom left one) lights up. Pen and touch work again.

This problem has persisted for weeks. I've verified that the firmware is the latest. I have tried this on a Mac and it has similar issues with Bluetooth.

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Wacom Intuos Pro Pth 660


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