
design thinking in education video

best design thinking course tutorial class certification training online

30+ Experts have compiled this list of Best Design Thinking Course, Tutorial, Training, Class, and Certification available online for 2021. It includes both paid and free resources to help you learn Design Thinking and these courses are suitable for beginners, intermediate learners as well as experts. So far,43,000+ students and professionals have benefited from this compilation. You may also want to take a look at the Best Design Thinking Executive Programs.

10 Best Design Thinking Courses, Certification, Degree & Training Online for 2021

1. Mastering Design Thinking (MIT Management Executive Education)

MIT Management Executive Education1If you are more of a hands-on learner and want to learn about design thinking then this is the Executive Education program by MIT is for you. Begin with the orientation module that discusses what the curriculum has to offer. After this, the instructor will go over the foundational skills, help you to recognize user requirements, and decide product specifications. Once this initial stage is over, you can move on to creating prototypes, designs, and architectures and performing financial analysis. With glowing reviews, it is safe to say that this course is a crowd favorite. You can also take a look at MIT Executive Education Programs.

Key USPs-

– Explore the concepts and parameters that drive design thinking.

– Get feedback on the ideas submitted by you.

– Follow through all the steps along with the instructors.

– Look into the real-world applications of this field.

– 128 Lectures + 3 Live Teaching sessions + Group Projects + Assignments + Capstone Project

– Suggested resources allow you to supplement your learning experience.

– Earn the verified certification after the completion of the journey.

Duration: 3 months, 6 to 8 hours per week

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

The videos from Prof. Eppinger were clear and precise. The team assignment helped me learn the power of having a brilliant team. — Jaime Obregon, Plant Manager at Euroquip, Mexico

2. Design Thinking Certification for Innovation (Coursera)

Innovation and idea when guided in the right direction can become invaluable. It is quite evident that design thinking can play a big role in bringing potential ideas to life. This course created by the University of Virginia promises to help you to become an innovative thinker and uncover creative opportunities ahead of time. It provides an overview of the whole concept by focusing on some of the most crucial questions of design thinking. The lectures use a model and several tools to understand problem-solving techniques. This program is aimed at beginners but can be taken by anyone who wants to understand the art of coming up with innovative solutions to problems. You may also be interested in taking a look at Best Innovation Courses.

Key USPs-

– As the course is aimed at beginners, therefore, all the concepts are explained in an easy to understand manner.

– The certification provides equal emphasis on theoretical as well as practical approaches.

-The series of lectures are followed by a final assignment.

-It is crucial to finish and pass the final assignment to obtain the certification.

Duration: 5 weeks

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review : As a design manager I should say this course actually opened my eyes to a new world. I hope be able to make good changes in my world by using this knowledge more and more in my life. Thanks to All 🙂 – Mohammed Valiadeh

3. Post Graduate Diploma in Innovation & Design Thinking (Columbia Business School)

columbia business schoolThis postgraduate diploma program is designed to help you learn the tools that you need to take design projects from inspiration and insights to ideation and implementation and understand the full scope of organizational innovation and strategy. You will learn how to overcome the critical tasks that an organization faces like filling the shaft with a flow of innovative ideas, validating the ideas and prioritize them, and shepherd those ideas from the seed stage to market. The course is divided into four modules – Approach to Design Thinking, Breakthrough Innovation via Inventive thinking, Strategy in Innovation, and a Capstone Project. After completing the course successfully, you will get a verified digital diploma by the Emeritus Institute of Management.

Key USPs –

– One of the most effective postgraduate diploma program that can help learn how to create innovative ideas for your business

– Learn about different design thinking skills, how to identify customer needs, applied creativity, and environmental sustainability

– Get introduced to creativity and closed world innovation, tools for generating innovative ideas, and fixedness to change your mindset

– Learn how to use subtraction template, division template, multiplication template, task unification template, and attribute dependency template

– Work on a capstone project to analyze what you have learned so far in the program

Duration: Self-paced

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

4. Innovation Through Design Thinking (London Business School)

London Business SchoolThis comprehensive curriculum will provide you with all the tools you need to sustain, rekindle, and inject innovation into your organization. Prepared by London Business School, this subjective course will enable you to apply the fundamental principles of design thinking to your organization to build your unique action plan. The course instructor, Prof. Julian Birkinshaw, is an international expert on innovation who will share his personal experience during the lectures. Moreover, you'll get to learn from a comprehensive curriculum with access to assignments, practice exercises, graded quizzes, and hands-on projects. After accomplishing the syllabus, you'll be able to use experimentation and prototyping to turn your ideas into reality.

Key USPs –

– A practical learning program that provides you with creative solutions to bring innovation to your company

– Learn how to identify the principles of design thinking, why innovation is crucial for your business, and how to take the pulse of your potential customers

– Learn to define your innovation challenges while applying design thinking frameworks to solve it

– Understand how to stimulate your imagination with techniques that can serve for a lifetime

– Work through real-life examples, case studies, and real-world examples from various business domains, such as financial services, healthcare, and retail

Duration: 6 weeks, 4-5 hours/week

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

5. Design Thinking Leader Certificate (Harvard Business Publishing Education)

Designed in association with Harvard Business School, this curriculum will help you become a digital-age innovation leader with design thinking skills. Joining this progressive course will allow you to master design thinking as a tool to develop disruptive products and business models . You'll learn to create customer-centric products and services with a five-step design methodology prepared by skilled tutors of Harvard Business Publishing Education. The program is organized with high-quality recorded video sessions, a step-by-step learning approach, quizzes, practical assignments, and peer reviews to provide you the best learning experience. Moreover, you'll get to work with real-world projects from industry experts to improve your learned knowledge. Check out our curation of Best Business Analytics Executive Courses.

Key USPs –

– A structured program prepared to help you leverage innovation as the key to business success with the help of human-centered design in this disruptive era

– Get access to 25+ practical tools and templates of innovation that are being used in top consulting companies like McKinsey, BCG, Bain, and more

– Learn how to use the five-step design thinking methodology for creating customer-centric products and services, and disruptive solutions

– Explore various concepts, frameworks, and tools of design thinking and innovation with the help of industry examples, case studies, and capstone projects

Duration: 12 months, 5-10 hours/week

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

6. Managing Innovation and Design Thinking by HEC Paris (Coursera)

HEC Paris Courses OnlineThis certification talks about topics that help you to go beyond general management with structured models and techniques used by successful entrepreneurs and CEOs. Along with this understand the process to drive innovation at any stage of business development from developing an idea to leading a company. With glowing reviews and stellar ratings, this program is a crowd favorite. You may also be interested in taking a look at our compilation of Product Management Certifications.

Key USPs-

– Build your own prototype for a product, service, or business design.

– Develop a personal toolbox and managerial framework t effectively foster creativity in your organization.

– Lead strategic decision making about innovation in order to compete.

– Learn how to design and govern a team, project, and organization.

– Complete all the graded assignments to earn the completion certificate.

Duration: 6 months, 6 hours per week

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review : This is by far the best course out of 4 that I have taken. Very well done. It kept me quite interested until the very end and willing to know and read more about the subjects. – RR

7. MIT's Approach to Design Thinking (MIT Management Executive Education)

MIT Management Executive Education1Individuals who want to learn how design thinking can help you assimilate the requirements of people, the potentials of technology and the necessities for business success can take help from this exclusive program. This program will help you understand how you can take a similar approach in your business to blend the perspectives of marketing, design, and engineering into a systematic approach for delivering innovation. During the course, you will get the opportunity to interact with your instructor, Steve Eppinger, who will help you learn how to focus on organizing complex design processes for accelerating industrial practices. After course completion, you will also receive a signed certificate that can be shared with employers to show your skillset in Design Thinking.

Key USPs –

– A useful program specially designed to help you improve your design thinking skills so that you can provide valuable insight into your organization

– It contains six different parts, each of which focuses on different aspects of design thinking, such as identifying customer needs, financial analysis, design of services and customer experience, etc.

– Included with video lectures, 9 peer learning discussions, case studies, and much more to help you learn better

– Work with 4 real-world applications and 1 capstone project at the end of the course

Duration: 2 months

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review: The course content and the collaboration with peers worldwide was a great learning experience. The outcome within a couple of weeks was astonishing! Andreas Cem Vogt

8. Design Thinking and Creativity for Business (INSEAD Executive Education)

This program is ideally intended for senior executives, team leaders, and executives to help them understand how they can transform their mindset to think like a designer with the strategic capabilities of a business person. In this program, you will learn how to solve problems creatively in any setting by collaborating with design coaches, how to equip a methodology to put design thinking into action, and how to acquire the mindset that you need to build an innovative organizational culture. At the end of the program, you will get the opportunity to work with an action learning project, where you can apply the skills that you have learned with the course.

Key USPs –

– Master the skills that you need to sustain creative and design thinking capabilities and learn new problem-solving approaches for innovation, research, and lean startup ideas

– Learn how to identify concrete ideas for applying design thinking principles into practice that are visible by critical stakeholders

– Be able to identify how creative strategies can help you develop solutions to address your innovation opportunities while determining the assumptions and risk involved with developing innovative solutions

Duration: 5 weeks, 4-6 hours/week

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

9. Design Thinking Certification for Business Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Coursera)

This course created by The University of Sydney is aimed to help entrepreneurs as well as managers of organizations of various sizes to come up with an innovative solution for their customers. If you are at any kind of a managerial position and want to up your game then this program has got you covered. The certification covers all the concepts of design thinking. Not only that, it builds on the basic ideas of design thinking and helps to develop an advanced business strategy. Some of the key concepts that are covered in this program include how to improve existing products, overcome inter-organizational challenges and come up with breakthrough ideas. By the end of this course, you will have all the relevant information to chalk out the road map for your organization's success.

Key USPs –

– Great course to understand the business strategies and handle organizational challenges.

-The practical application and impact of the strategies are thoroughly covered.

-The initial lectures help the students to ease into the classes before moving on to more intricate details.

– Lectures such as prototyping and product ideation help the students to gain practical experience.

-The lessons are accompanied by an abundant amount of worksheets and corporate case studies.

Duration: 5 weeks

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review : I really enjoyed this course. It uses real cases to help you empathise with corporate internal issues which happens in any company. I definitely learned from it and recommend it. – Elizabeth Buckley

10. Design Thinking and Innovation for Business (National University of Singapore)

Created by experienced professionals of the National University of Singapore, this program will provide you the knowledge and experience that you need to develop customer-centric designs that are crucial to address the pain points of your customers and meet the business objectives. This program is ideal for every individual who is responsible for driving innovation to solve business problems and enhance the culture of their team members. Besides, it is included with a design thinking playbook, which will provide you with various templates for each module assignment that you need to complete during the program.

Key USPs –

– Get introduced to Design thinking and learn how to identify the customer journey, problem statement, or underlying issues and possible solutions for those problems

– Adopt design thinking and innovation as a strategy in your organization, and learn how to apply design thinking framework and strategy for developing innovative solutions for multifaceted business problems

– Gain a solid knowledge of various tools and techniques of design thinking, and how they can be applied to your business to create new value propositions and business models

– Included with pre-recorded role-play and discussion boards that are provided to make it easier for students to regain knowledge of what they have studied so far in the program

Duration: 2 months, 4-6 hours/week

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Bonus Courses

11. Cooper Crash Course: Designing Thinking in 3 Steps (Udemy)

It is definitely pretty cool to learn a topic from someone who themselves helped to create it. This course on design learning is taught by Alan Cooper, founder of the top consulting firm Cooper as well as Teresa Brazen and Sanskriti Ayyar,two of the firm's brilliant consultant coaches. This course takes a different approach to solve strategic problems which will help you to create solutions that fulfill the requirements of the customers. Instead of just focusing on the theory, this program explains new concepts with the help of a real-life project. This is indeed an excellent opportunity to understand the hurdles and strategies required to deal with similar problems in the real world. This class is created for people who want to get started with design thinking but are not sure where to begin. The lectures are designed to be interactive so that the student can get the maximum out of it.

Key USPs-

– The course guides you through the nuts and bolts of this essential skill.

-The lectures help to understand the problems from the customer's perspective.

– The exercises help to brainstorm innovative ideas.

– Provides the opportunity to create prototypes to test ideas. This helps to reduce the cost of scaling in case the idea has to be dropped.

-The lessons are explained in an interesting and fluid manner which creates a great learning environment.

– The students in this training include students, businessmen, entrepreneurs and many more.

-55 Lectures + 15 Articles + 3 Supplemental Resources + Full lifetime access

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review : I love the Cooperistas for allowing my mind to expand and realise that in problem-solving, one size doesn't necessarily fit all. I also appreciate the reminders to listen more instead of talk more, to allow for better and more sincere feedback from our surroundings crucial to aid the project's goals. Thank you, Cooperistas! – Aditya Rahim

12. Agile Meets Design Thinking by University of Virginia (Coursera)

In this comprehensive program, you will learn how to determine what is valuable for the user early in the process by focusing your team on testable narratives about the user and creating a strong shared perspective. The lectures cover all the key concepts and practices from the agile product methodology. Apart from this, you will also diagnose what software to develop and its reasons using a set of agile user stories and prototypes.

Key USPs-

– No prior experience is required to enroll in this program.

– Learn to evaluate and explain the relevance of concepts and practices from agile development technologies.

– Facilitate narrative collaboration used stories and prototypes.

– The series of lectures are followed by regular quizzes.

– It is crucial to finish and pass the final assignment to obtain the certification.

Duration: 5 weeks, 2 to 5 hours per week

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

Review : Excellent course to immerse me into this new world of Agile. Appreciated the details and consistency of examples to build my understanding. Enjoying this journey to new understanding. – Nneka O'Reilly

13. Design Thinking Certification Program by Rochester Institute (edX)

Rochester InstituteThis course created by Rochester Institute of Technology aims to help you to learn one of the most sought-after skills in today's world. This micro masters program will cover all the techniques and methods by which design thinking can solve problems creatively, collaboratively and empathically. The lectures focus on improving user-centered research skills. It also talks about important concerns such as identifying business problems, generating innovative solutions and visualizing techniques to overcome challenges. The motive of this program is to equip you with confidence and knowledge which will help you to bring innovation to your workplace.

Key USPs-

– The program covers each concept at a perfect pace in an elaborate manner.

– The course requires a commitment of 8 to 12 hours per week.

-Enhances some of the most essential skills such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving and analytical skills.

– The instructors are some of the most renowned professors at Rochester Institute of Technology.

-The complete program consists of 5 courses.

Duration: 6 weeks per course

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

14. Learning Design Thinking (LinkedIn Learning)

The one thing that you can instantly tell by taking this course is that 'customers are the first priority'. This course taught by Turi McKinley of frog, a global design, and strategy firm will help you to understand the factors that are essential to making the decision to solve problems at an organizational level. This is an introductory level course and hence there are no prerequisites. After the initial introduction to the course, the lectures cover important topics such as setting goals, concept creation, collaboration, engaging in different skill sets and personalities. The chapter quizzes at regular intervals help you to keep track of the progress made throughout the course. Lectures such as service blueprint and prototyping give an idea of how such problems are handled in the real world. With over 50,000 students this course is a strong contender for the title of best design thinking course.

Key USPs-

– The tutorial is very well designed with relevant examples.

– Exercises are available for online practise as well as for download.

– The option of 'view offline' allows you to attend classes without the internet and on the go.

– The training is divided into 4 sections along with chapter quizzes.

-The complete course and study materials are available for free.

– The viewers of this training include students, salesperson, corporate trainer and many more.

Duration: 2 hours 8 minutes

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

15. Hello Design Thinking (IDEO U)

This training will help you to develop a common language and understanding of design thinking across your organization. So if you are a nondesigner then you will get introduced to the concepts of the whole process involved in this field whereas designers with prior experience get a tried and tested approach to creative problem-solving. The experts will guide you through case studies and five quick activities following which you will have the knowledge of how design thinking works and the techniques to apply these tools and processes to your own work. By the end of the classes, you will have unlocked your complete potential.

Key USPs –

– The introductory lessons cover the fundamental concepts to build a strong foundation.

– Establish a common language and process for creative problem-solving.

– Inspire new thinking by discovering what people really need.

– Push past the obvious to get to breakthrough solutions and generating ideas.

– Build rough prototypes to learn how to make ideas better.

– Craft a human story to inspire others towards action.

– 16 video lessons + 5 Activities + On-demand online class + Toolkit & Certificate

Duration: Self-paced

Rating: 4.3 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

This was a great introduction to Design Thinking with good videos and great exercises along the way. -Beth

16. Design Thinking- OpenLearn (The Open University)

It is true that the correct solutions to some of the toughest problems do exist but there is always a possibility that the problems may be seen in a new light and someone comes up with a solution that is even better. If you are someone who has a knack for seeing problems from different angles and finally coming up with the best solutions then this course might be worth a try. This certification on the OpenLearn website is designed to enhance your natural creativity and come up with optimal strategic solutions. The program also focuses on visualising as well as articulating the solutions so that they can be communicated and used later, as and when necessary. Computing tools and online environments are also used to supplement the design thinking techniques. With stellar reviews, this program is a crowd favourite.

Key USPs-

-This is an introductory level course.

-Learn about the importance of design thinking and how is it used in different fields.

– Investigate and give your creative bones an extra push with various exercises.

-Initiates an attitude of playfulness that helps to come up with better and natural solutions.

-The enrolment in this course is free of cost.

-All the additional study materials are available for free.

-The emphasis on the practical sessions using the various computing tools makes the course more interactive.

Duration: 10 hours

Rating: 4.3 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

17. Design Thinking & Innovation Management (IIM Kozhikode)

The course has been discontinued

Developed by skilled professors at the Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, this executive program will help you develop the ability to drive three fundamental levers of strategic importance to any business, including design thinking, product invention, and establishing a culture of innovation. The curriculum is included with eight different modules, each of which focuses on various aspects of design thinking, such as managing innovation, collaborative innovation, building innovation management system, etc. Joining this learning curriculum will help you understand the implications of digital disruption and the role of innovation with comprehensive video lectures, live video sessions, and real-world examples.

Key USPs –

– Learn how to identify and decide on the innovation opportunity to pursue your business's products and services.

– Get familiarize with different tools and techniques used for design thinking, solving complex problems, and creating effective solutions.

– Learn to develop a system to manage and nurture innovation in a corporate set up formally and how to implement an innovative product or service.

– Be able to use design thinking to develop innovative products and services that bring business impact.

– Work with real-world examples and case studies to improve your overall understanding of the concepts.

Rating: 5 months

Rating: 4.4 out of 5

You can Sign up Here

So these were the 10 Best Design Thinking Tutorial, Class, Course, Training & Certification available online for 2021. Hope you found what you were looking for. Wish you a Happy Learning!

design thinking in education video


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