Veterans Day 2021


  • Faculty Art Show Exhibit Poster


  • Media Consent form Needed for "A Day in the Life" of LaGuardia. Deadline, Thursday, November 18.

    Dear LaGuardia Community,

    We hope you had valuable conversations at Parent Teacher Conferences this week that allow our teachers to further get to know our students and our parents/guardians to further support from home.

    Our generous partner, the Parent Association, would like to document the school to share all of the inspiration happening throughout the building during a typical "Day in the Life" of LaGuardia. Photography and videography will begin next Friday and we would like as many LaGuardia students, in as many different learning situations, to be represented as possible. These photographs and videos would be proudly shared on LaGuardia High School, LaGuardia Parent Association, and Alumni and Friends of LaGuardia websites.

    The Media Consent for NYCDOE and Third-Party, Non-Profit Use for this "Day in the Life" project can be found here. Please electronically sign by Thursday, November 18.

    Questions about the project can be directed to Matthew Septimus at

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Confirmed Case of COVID-19: Close Contacts Quarantined ; 11/12/21

    11/12/2021 11:55 AM

    Subject: Confirmed Case of COVID-19: Close Contacts Quarantined

    Dear Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts at 100 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Community:

    The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the NYC Test + Trace Corps (T2) have determined that a member of our school community has tested positive for COVID-19 and may have exposed others while at school.

    Below you will find guidance on next steps that will help keep you, your child, and our school community healthy and safe. The information below reflects the expertise of DOHMH, T2, and the New York City Department of Education (DOE).

    What Happens Now?

    • Students and staff who are considered close contacts of the individual who tested positive have been notified of the need to quarantine for 10 days from their last contact with the person who tested positive. These students and staff will transition to fully remote teaching and learning for this period.
    • T2 and DOHMH will complete their investigation to identify and notify any other close contacts in the building, who will also need to quarantine for 10 days.
    • Any staff or students who are fully vaccinated OR students who were recently (within the past three months) diagnosed with COVID-19 and finished isolation in the past 90 days will NOT need to quarantine as long as they have no COVID-19 symptoms. People who are fully vaccinated have received both shots of a two shot regimen or one shot of a single shot regimen and 14 days or more have elapsed since their last shot.
    • Unvaccinated students and staff who are considered close contacts may test out of quarantine in order to return to their classrooms on the eighth day of quarantine. In order to do so, students should take a COVID-19 test on their fifth day of quarantine in order to re-enter class on the eighth day. Students must submit proof of a negative test through the DOE's COVID-19 Vaccination Portal.
    • Anyone with a positive COVID-19 test will not return to the school until they are no longer infectious.
    • All areas visited by the person with COVID-19 will be deep cleaned, disinfected, and reopened.
    • If your child is feeling sick, keep them at home.

      How do we stay healthy?

      All New Yorkers age 12 or older are eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. If someone is fully vaccinated, they do not have to miss school, sports or work if there is a case in their classroom. People who are between 12 and 17 years old are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine only; all older ages are eligible for all three vaccines. Find a vaccine site today at There is no cost to be vaccinated.

      Please remember to follow these important "Core Four" actions to prevent COVID-19 transmission:

    1. Stay home if sick (except to get essential medical care, including COVID-19 testing).
    2. Practice social distancing: Stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not members of your household.
    3. Wear a face covering to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
    4. Practice healthy hand hygiene: Wash your hands often or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer; avoid touching your face; and cover your cough or sneeze with your arm, not your hands.

    How can I stay updated?

    We will continue to closely follow directions from public health experts and proactively update you on any measures we are taking. To ensure we can reach you via text and email, please create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) as soon as possible by visiting

    To help New Yorkers quarantine, the NYC Test + Trace Corps partners with community-based organizations to connect individuals to resources like food, medicine, and health care.  To connect with resources, you can call 1-212-COVID19 (212-268-4319).

    For additional information on COVID-19, visit or call 311.



    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Confirmed Case of COVID-19; November 10, 2021

    11/10/2021 11:50 AM

    Subject: Confirmed Case of COVID-19: Close Contacts Quarantined

    Dear Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts at 100 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Community:

    The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the NYC Test + Trace Corps (T2) have determined that a member of our school community has tested positive for COVID-19 and may have exposed others while at school.

    Below you will find guidance on next steps that will help keep you, your child, and our school community healthy and safe. The information below reflects the expertise of DOHMH, T2, and the New York City Department of Education (DOE).

    What Happens Now?

    • Students and staff who are considered close contacts of the individual who tested positive have been notified of the need to quarantine for 10 days from their last contact with the person who tested positive. These students and staff will transition to fully remote teaching and learning for this period.
    • T2 and DOHMH will complete their investigation to identify and notify any other close contacts in the building, who will also need to quarantine for 10 days.
    • Any staff or students who are fully vaccinated OR students who were recently (within the past three months) diagnosed with COVID-19 and finished isolation in the past 90 days will NOT need to quarantine as long as they have no COVID-19 symptoms. People who are fully vaccinated have received both shots of a two shot regimen or one shot of a single shot regimen and 14 days or more have elapsed since their last shot.
    • Unvaccinated students and staff who are considered close contacts may test out of quarantine in order to return to their classrooms on the eighth day of quarantine. In order to do so, students should take a COVID-19 test on their fifth day of quarantine in order to re-enter class on the eighth day. Students must submit proof of a negative test through the DOE's COVID-19 Vaccination Portal.
    • Anyone with a positive COVID-19 test will not return to the school until they are no longer infectious.
    • All areas visited by the person with COVID-19 will be deep cleaned, disinfected, and reopened.
    • If your child is feeling sick, keep them at home.

      How do we stay healthy?

      All New Yorkers age 12 or older are eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. If someone is fully vaccinated, they do not have to miss school, sports or work if there is a case in their classroom. People who are between 12 and 17 years old are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine only; all older ages are eligible for all three vaccines. Find a vaccine site today at There is no cost to be vaccinated.

      Please remember to follow these important "Core Four" actions to prevent COVID-19 transmission:

    1. Stay home if sick (except to get essential medical care, including COVID-19 testing).
    2. Practice social distancing: Stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not members of your household.
    3. Wear a face covering to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
    4. Practice healthy hand hygiene: Wash your hands often or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer; avoid touching your face; and cover your cough or sneeze with your arm, not your hands.

    How can I stay updated?

    We will continue to closely follow directions from public health experts and proactively update you on any measures we are taking. To ensure we can reach you via text and email, please create a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) as soon as possible by visiting

    To help New Yorkers quarantine, the NYC Test + Trace Corps partners with community-based organizations to connect individuals to resources like food, medicine, and health care.  To connect with resources, you can call 1-212-COVID19 (212-268-4319).

    For additional information on COVID-19, visit or call 311.



    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Potential COVID-19 Case; Love

    11/10/2021 10:19 AM

    Dear Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts at 100 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Community:

    I hope you are staying healthy and safe. Today I am writing to inform you of a potential case of COVID-19 in our school community, and to let you know what will happen now.

    Next steps

    We are working in partnership with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC Health) to confirm test results. At this time there are no plans for classroom or school closure, and students should continue to attend as regularly scheduled unless they are feeling ill. If a positive test result is confirmed, you will receive another update.

    What if the case is confirmed?

    In partnership with NYC Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and the NYC Test + Trace Corps, we will take all appropriate action, including:

    • Ensuring that any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 quarantines until they are no longer infectious, and it is safe for them to return to the school building.
    • Work to trace close contacts in our school.
    • Instruct close contacts to quarantine for 10 days since their last contact with the individual who tested positive (unless they are fully vaccinated).

       Please be assured that we are taking every precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including ensuring that anyone who feels sick in the school building isolates. Our school has an isolation room where a student with symptoms associated with COVID-19 can be safely isolated and evaluated by a healthcare professional until they are picked up by a guardian.

       It's up to all of us to help keep our school community safe and healthy. Please continue to stay home if sick, stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not members of your household, wear a face covering, and practice healthy hand hygiene.

       All New Yorkers age 12 or older are eligible to be vaccinated for COVID-19. If someone is fully vaccinated they do not have to miss school, sports or work if there is a case in their classroom. People who are between 12 and 17 years old are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine only; all older ages are eligible for all three vaccines. Find a vaccine site today at There is no cost to be vaccinated.

       We will continue to closely follow directions from public health experts, and proactively update you on any measures we are taking. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. For additional information on COVID-19, visit or call 311. Finally, to ensure we can rapidly reach you via text and email, please set up a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) as soon as possible by visiting

       Thank you for your cooperation. Health and safety will always come first in New York City public schools, no matter what.



    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Parent Teacher Conference (Remote) Letter; November 4, 2021

    Dear LaGuardia Community,

    At LaGuardia, we believe that ongoing communication between home and school is crucial to student success. This year we are making an explicit effort to ensure that only do you hear from me, you are hearing from each assistant principal, and the teams of faculty/staff they support.

    Next week all NYCDOE high schools will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences. Please remember that families should not wait for Parent Teacher Conferences, nor should they rely on Parent Teacher Conferences, as the only time to connect with teachers. It is a teacher's professional responsibility to regularly communicate the progress of their students with their families. Teachers use Google Classroom, PupilPath, email, phone calls, and remote conference tools (Zoom/Google meets) to communicate with families.

    On Monday, November 7, a complete directory of all teachers will be released to the community. All families who would like to meet with teachers will be able to register for a conference using the directory. Please note the following regarding the Fall 2021 Parent Teacher Conferences:

    • For safety and efficiency, all NYCDOE conferences will be conducted remotely . Families will NOT be entering school buildings for conferences.
    • To increase flexibility in the scheduling of conferences, teachers will conduct conferences on staggered schedules as follows:
      • Wednesday, November 10, 4:30 pm-8:30 pm (conferences take place over 4 hours  - each teacher is available for 2.5 hours during this time)
      • Thursday, November 11, schools are closed due to Veterans Day.
      • Friday, November 12, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm (conferences take place over 3 hours - each teacher is available for 2 hours during this time)
    • To prioritize our most vulnerable families, teachers identified students they are most concerned about and are reaching out to these families this week to pre-register them for conferences.

    If you are unable to connect with a teacher during parent teacher conferences, the teacher will be happy to schedule another time to connect with you.

    Thank you for being partners in supporting students during this unusual time.

    Stay warm.


    Yeou-Jey Vasconcelos


    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Food Benefits

    The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Food Benefits is a federal program to provide food benefits to children who miss the opportunity to receive school meals due to pandemic-related school closures. These benefits will take the form of funds on electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards, which can be used in the same manner as SNAP (food stamp) cards. All children enrolled at DOE schools are eligible.

    View PDF of Flier

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • DOE Digital Equity Questionnaire; Deadline: December 1, 2021

    Please complete by December 1, 2021.  Paper versions of the Questionnaire can be returned to Parent Coordinator Ms. Price in Room 234B, on the second floor.  Ms. Price may also help you with your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA).  She may be reached at

    November 2021

    Dear families,

    The New York State Education Department requires all school districts, including the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to collect information from families about students' access to devices and the internet for the 2021-22 school year. To make this easy as possible for families, the DOE has added a Digital Equity Family Questionnaire to the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) (, where you can provide answers to the questions for each of your students in grades kindergarten through 12.

    The Questionnaire asks nine short questions (it takes about five minutes ) about your family's digital access, and your answers will be used to help identify school and district needs, target resources and funding opportunities, and used to inform state policy and legislative initiatives.

    Don't have an NYC Schools Account ( You can get one today! It's quick and easy to sign up. Staff at your child's school can help you add your student/s, so you can access their information, including grades and test scores. You can also take classes in Parent University, report bullying, sign the COVID-19 testing consent form, and more.

    If you don't have a NYCSA account, you can use the paper version of the questions posted on the DOE website (, return the survey to your school, and the school staff will ensure your answers are counted.

    Thank you for your cooperation and partnership. We know this information will help support digital learning and access for all NYC public school students and families.


    The New York City Department of Education

    View PDF Document Here

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Grade 11: Emerging Leaders for Social Justice Institute Program Applications Available

    The Office of Equity and Access (OEA) is preparing to begin our second year of the Emerging Leaders for Social Justice Institute (ELSJI). ELSJI is a multi-year youth-leadership development program that is designed to introduce students to social justice issues and assist them in discovering their ability to create positive change in their own world. The program focuses on identity and leadership development, racial and social justice, mental health, and post-secondary readiness.

    We are currently accepting applications for 11th grade students and would like to extend the invitation to your students. Deadline: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 .

    ELSJI SY21-22 Application:

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Nominations Accepted for FLAG Award for Teaching Excellence: Deadline: December 1, 2021

    FLAG Award for Teaching Excellence was establishedto recognize and celebrate extraordinary New York City public school teachers who inspire learning through creativity, passion, and commitment. Last year, in the midst of extraordinary circumstances, we discovered extraordinary teachers and gave awayover $300,000in prize money to teachers and their schools. Click here to learn more about last year's winners.

    We are now accepting FLAG Award nominations for the 2021-22 school year.Here's how you can ensure that deserving teachers in your school are nominated:

    1. NOMINATEat least one public school teacher who you know!
    1. SHAREour website and FLAG Award nomination form with your students, parents, and staff and encourage them to nominate a teacher.
    1. POSTinformation about the FLAG Awards in your e-newsletters, social media, and other communications to your school.

    One grand-prize winner from each of NYC's five boroughs will receive a$25,000cash prize and each finalist will receive$10,000. The winning teachers' schools will each receive$10,000, and each finalist's school will receive$2,000for arts-based initiatives designed by the winner.

    An independent jury will select the winners to be announced at the end of the school ear.

    For more information and to nominate a teacher, visit Nominations aredue by December 1, 2021.

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

  • Special Schedule and School Report Times due to SAT and MAP Testing

    Tomorrow, Thursday, October 28, 2021, LaGuardia will be administering the SAT School Day Exam to Seniors who preregistered. Each of these students has already been sent an email with the room they should report to, time, and what to bring.

    Additionally, some 9th and 10th grade students received an email to report to school for MAP Testing, with a time and room location.

    We will be on a regular bell schedule with the morning devoted to testing. Unless your child is taking the SAT or the MAP, they should not report to school in the morning.

    Regularly scheduled classes begin Period 6 (12:08 PM).  Students with Period 6 lunch or with no scheduled class should enter the building in time for their Period 7 class.

    Bell Schedule for October 28, 2021


    12:08 - 12:53


    12:57 - 1:42


    1:46 - 2:31


    2:35 - 3:20


    3:24 - 4:09

    Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts

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Respect for All: Fostering Anti-Bullying Practices

Respect For All Logo of 7 silhouette faces.

No student shall be subjected to harassment, discrimination, or bullying, including cyberbullying by employees or students on school property or at a school function or off school property where such acts create or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment or where it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation or abuse might reach school property; nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex by school employees or students on school property or at a school function. (Dignity for All Students Act effective July 1, 2013)

LaGuardia Art's Respect For All Liaisons

Chris Gonzalez, Guidance Counselor

Thomas Pappas, Guidance Counselor

Marc Steffa, Dean

Justos Vogel, Dean

Reporting an Incident

If you need help because someone has discriminated against, harassed, bullied or intimidated you, or if you have concerns about such behavior, you can go to one of our Respect For All liaisons or any staff member you feel comfortable speaking with.

DOE Respect For All Information

View DOE Family Information

Respect For All Poster


School Visitor Policy

School Visitor Policy Sign

Anti Racism Resources